Hello lovelies!
Today we will be sharing with you our WOD; workout of the day. We just came back from our Cross Fit gym and wanted to share with you what we did :) It's a short, high-intensity workout... the best kind, in our eyes :) We have a version you can do at the gym and one you can do at home. Good luck!
2 minutes: Skipping (if you have a skipping rope) or jumping jacks
3 minutes: Air Squats - make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart. When you squat, make sure you sticking your butt out and that your knees don't go over your feet.
2 minute rest :)
3 minutes: Push-ups (girl or guy) - make sure you keep your hands close to your body near your chest
2 minutes: Skipping (if you have a skipping rope) or jumping jacks again.
2 minutes: Skipping (if you have a skipping rope) or fast running on the treadmill/moving on the elliptical
3 minutes: Wall Balls - if your gym has medicine balls (10-14 lbs, or lower if needed), stand close to a wall, get into a squat position with the ball in your hands and throw the ball as high as you can on the wall. When you catch the ball, use your legs to support you and go down into your squat position. If they don't have a medicine ball, do squats with some weight on your back- as much as you can!
2 minute rest :)
3 minutes:
2-Handed Kettlebell Swings - choose one that is suitable for you (Marie uses 18 lbs, Brittany uses 26) - remember not to solely use your arms but to use the motion of your hips to help you.
2 minutes: Skipping (if you have a skipping rope) or fast running on the treadmill/moving on the elliptical.
That's it! 12 minutes of intensity instead of 40 minutes on the treadmill. You'll be burning more calories during and after your workout, as well as using your own body weight. Let us know how you did :)
xox Brittany & Marie